Middle School Social Skills Week of 10-9-17
Welcome to the Middle School Social Skills Page!
On this page you will find updates on what everyone is working on in Social Skills!
Lindsey Thwaites
Social Skills Coordinator
Social Skills Theme: Identity Awareness
Week of 10-9-17
Concept: Personality Traits Character- Students will create a character based on their personality traits.
Purpose: (Why Do we teach this concept)
- To help the student recognize and connect to their personality traits
- Self-awareness is the cornerstone concept in social and emotional learning
- True self-awareness comes self-acceptance and the ability to interact with others in constructive and fulfilling ways. It entails recognizing our emotions and developing the ability to manage those emotions constructively.
- Self-awareness also reflects a true grasp of our strengths, along with an understanding of one’s personal traits and those traits we share with others.
Next Week: All About Me Personality Traits Activity Continued
Transition Group Lesson (Sequoia class and 4 Redwood Students):
This week in Transition groups we will be going through the outline of the transition process. From website browsing, to open houses to school interviews…..the kids will learn the entire process start to finish. We will focus a lot on what makes a school a good fit for us, based on our individual needs, interests, talents, etc. The graduates will also be given HW to do research with their parents to ensure that they are a part of choosing a school that is best for them!